My seaweed pendants are touchstones and reminders of strolls on the beach, sailing adventures, paddling along the coast, and early morning sunrises overlooking the ocean. They evoke the person you become when your toes are in salty sand and the sun rests on your shoulders.
Each pendant is made with Maine seaweed set under a domed glass cabochon to magnify the exquisite details and textures of the design. Resins and glue quickly fade the brilliant colors of the seaweed, which is why my unique designs are set in bezels without any glues or chemicals. A variety of bezel settings are available, including 30 mm round and 40mm oval sterling silver, raw brass, copper plate and stainless steel. Each pendant is hung from an adjustable hand dyed silk cord. You should not bath or swim while wearing your pendant as they are not water safe. Every measure has been made to make the pendants durable for regular use. It is best to store your pendant in a dark dry spot when you are not wearing it. |
For her the ocean was more than a dream, it was a place she needed to visit to find herself. And when she returned to the city, you could see the sun in her eyes, the wind in her hair, and taste the infinite salt on her lips. -Jose Chaves